Virginia Vallejo with José Sanz de Santamaría, president of the Polo Club of Bogotá, 1972
Virginia Vallejo with José Sanz de Santamaría, president of the Polo Club of Bogotá, 1972

To the left: Julio Mario Santo Domingo and Virginia Vallejo with President Turbay Ayala in the presidential campaign of Alfonso López Michelsen, 1973
To the left: Julio Mario Santo Domingo and Virginia with President Turbay in the presidential campaign of Alfonso López, 1973

Virginia with the famous surgeon Ivo Pitanguy in the Country Club of Bogotá, 1981
Virginia with the famous surgeon Ivo Pitanguy in the Country Club of Bogotá, 1981

Virginia Vallejo with the ambassadors Héctor Amaury (Dominican Republic) and Thomas Boyatt (United States), 1982
Virginia Vallejo with the ambassadors Héctor Amaury (Dominican Republic) and Thomas Boyatt (United States), 1982

President Belisario Betancur, the minister of health, Virginia Vallejo and Amparo Pérez, 1984
President Belisario Betancur, the minister of health, Virginia Vallejo and Amparo Pérez, 1984

Virginia with Álvaro Gómez, president of the Conservative Party, 1987
Virginia with Álvaro Gómez, Presidente  del Partido Conservador, 1987

The endearing friendship of Virginia and the legendary photographer Hernán Díaz, by Rafael Moure 1993
La entrañable amistad de Virginia y el legendario fotógrafo Hernán Díaz, por Rafael Moure 1993